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I love coffee! So, brew a cup (or tea if you prefer) and have a read on some aspects of the position I would like to share with you. Think about adding new twists and fun to any of my ideas and suggestions when promoting them.

I look back at my 30 plus years as a member and wonder how the time has passed so quickly. I am thrilled and privileged to be the national president-elect and encourage members to continue to pursue activities in the League. It too could happen to you! See where the Lord takes you in years to come. Be open to His calling! Organization chairpersons are needed during this especially exciting, though not totally free from trepidation, time for the League. In the future, you will be able to say, “I was there when the League had the foresight to see the need for change and embraced it with faith, knowing that it would make a positive difference!” You will have been part of the impact on continuing the growth and vital presence of the League in a world looking so different to what it did upon first joining.

At the 98th annual national convention, there was a resounding acceptance of the strategic plan, giving the League the opportunity to begin a number of things, including a new mission statement. Encourage members to know and be able to recite it.

Mission Statement
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
Calls its members to grow in faith,
And to witness to the love of God
Through ministry and service.

Whether in the first or second year of your term as chairperson, you are encouraged to:

  • Become well versed on the contents of the Constitution & Bylaws and be familiar with the National Manual of Policy and Procedure. These two resources will be of great assistance in recruiting and maintaining membership. Share the new plans of the League in order to excite potential new members. Enthusiasm will play a great role in recruiting success.
  • Educate members on the basics about the League. This is a must for new members, and many seasoned members could benefit as well. Not long ago, I facilitated such an orientation and was surprised to have a parish president state that she wished she had known these basics years ago. Be bold! Offer such sessions in the parish council. Invite a life member, provincial or diocesan president-elect to do the presentation. Please note that Life Member Ann Doucet is the new national life member liaison.
  • Engage a sub-committee chairperson to help share the work. The action can easily prepare the member to let her name stand for future executive positions, not to mention assist with lists of activities. Leading the League is a must-have teaching manual that can be used time again. Order a copy today! Council training costs can be offset by applying for funding from the national development fund. Team up with another council and make it a time to meet other members in your area.
  • Be aware of the Catholic Girls’ League (CGL). Many councils across Canada are having great success with CGL’s. Although CGL’s falls under the local Christian family life standing committee, work together to make it a reality in your council. National office has additional information on the process of starting a group, or give me a call.
  • Share the importance of completing annual reports. Work with the council’s executive to ensure that every standing committee’s work is captured. If there is no particular standing committee chairperson, someone can still identify the work accomplished. All questions do not need to be answered. Track monthly activities on a calendar to make reporting time easier. Reports can be completed individually, in pairs or with the whole executive. The goal is to increase council reporting this year so please help to make this happen. Maybe the activity requires a bottle of wine with coffee to follow!
  • Review The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Plans Strategically document, in particular the areas associated with this standing committee. Through knowledge of what is to come, you will be well prepared to communicate with excitement the League’s envisioned future!

Fall is a busy time for the League. Set realistic goals and work, with help from others, to make happen what is most possible.

God bless as we continue to respond to God’s call.
Fran Lucas
National President-elect & Organization

October 5, 2018