Education and Health
Year | Title(s) and Link(s) |
Resolved Clause(s) | Recommendation and Rationale |
2006.4 | Renewable Energy |
“urge the federal government to:
“urge the federal government to enact legislation that would:
2005.06 | Developing Countries and Water (shared with Community Life) |
“urge that the federal government exert pressure on the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
“forward this resolution to the North American Regional Vice-President and Resolution Committee for consideration and presentation to the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations General Assembly to be held in Washington, D.C. in June 2006.” |
2001.04 | Water Quality in Canada |
“urge the federal government to protect Canada’s water from contamination” “urge the federal government to enact legislation that will ensure national water quality standards for Canada’s present and future water supply” “encourage members to become knowledgeable about water quality in their own community.” |
1999.09 | Bulk Fresh Water Resources |
“urge the foreign affairs and environment ministers to vigorously pursue their three-point strategy announced February 10, 1999, to prohibit the bulk removal of Canadian water, including water for export from Canadian watersheds” “urge their provincial/territorial environment ministers to prohibit the bulk removal of provincial/territorial water” |
1997.06 | Genetically Engineered Foods |
“urge the federal ministers of health and agriculture and agri-food to ensure that all genetically engineered products produced in Canada and imported into Canada:
1990.07 | Environmental Concerns |
“commends the federal government for the efforts they have taken towards correcting the damage done to the environment, including the introduction of Bill C-78, an Act to Establish a Federal Environmental Assessment Process” “expresses to the federal government the following concerns of our members regarding damage to the environment: the reluctance of pulp and paper mills to convert to alternate bleaching technologies, which will eliminate dioxins and furans from the effluent of the mills and from their paper products; the accumulation of solid waste in existing landfill sites; the continued use of substances that damage the ozone layer; the pollution of our oceans, rivers and lakes; the depletion of our forests” “asks the federal government to continue to develop guidelines and to take the necessary action, including penalties, to protect the environment from further damage” “asks each provincial council to approach their provincial and territorial governments to express these and local environmental concerns and to seek action to correct and prevent environmental damage within their jurisdiction” |