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Most Holy Trinity Sunday

4 Jun 2023



Mass readings, reflections and activities for the Trinity Sunday (Year A)


Mass Readings  | In the encounter with Nicodemus, Jesus clarifies the contrasts between God and the world, between above and below, between the infinite and the finite, the absolute and the created. God forgives through the Son, not punishes; God accompanies in the Son, and does not reject; God draws closer to us in Jesus. God does not withdraw. God saves in the Lord Jesus, instead of condemning.

  • Why do you think each of today’s readings is chosen for Trinity Sunday?
  • What other contrasts can you think of between humanity and divinity?

 (Source: Diocese of Saskatoon)


Kid's challenge this week

The Holy Spirit is given to us so that we might believe that God loves us and wants to give us eternal life. The Trinity is a way that we talk about how we experience God’s love for us. Ask the Holy Spirit to continue to help us with our belief that God is always acting out of love for us. Pray together the Glory Be to the Father (Loyola Press)