Since the pandemic began, front-line workers, first responders, personal support workers, and many others have put their lives on the line to support people in their care. Essential workers and businesses held their course to ensure that the needs of their community endured the effects of lockdown restrictions.
The National Centenary Committee encourages members to print and use a CWL Gratitude Card (above) to extend gratitude to all those who have nobly helped their community in any way. Recipients could include individuals, health care facilities, senior care centres, nursing homes, businesses, etc. Personal delivery of the cards would be especially meaningful.
inside of card
Instructions Calgary Diocesan Council formatted the gratitude card as a stand-up tent card, 8.5” wide x 5.5” high. The cards print beautifully on white 65-lb cardstock – one card per page. Print them double-sided and flip the paper on the "short" edge. Fold the cards in half horizontally, so that the image is on the bottom front and the text is on the inside bottom.
Personalize your cards by writing the recipient’s name on the line at the top of the inside; and the name of your parish council (and location) at the bottom. e.g. St. Joseph CWL – Magrath.
To print cards for your council, download them here.
DATE: October 9, 2020 FROM: Doreen Gowans, national second vice-president and national chairperson of communications TO: Parish chairpersons of communication
Dear chairpersons of communications,
Summer Speaker Series: Did you see it? If so, kindly provide your comments to Amanda McCormick at national office (). Did you miss it? All four presentations are posted to, under “To Inform,” then “Videos”—click on each speaker, and you will find their recorded presentation. I hope you enjoy them.
Implementation Committee Update: What is new? Sharon Ciebin, lead for the working group to welcome, affirm and validate all members, identified this as the largest single impediment to the League’s progress. To address this impediment, the working group produced a Welcome Program, which includes a promotional video and is adaptable and customized to fit the councils’ needs. The video is available on the national website. Access it by going to, “Quick Links,” choosing “Implementation of Strategic Plan,” then scrolling down to “New Announcements” and clicking on “Welcome Program Video.” The video is 1½ minutes. Also included in this mailing is a brochure providing more information about the program.
FROM: Doreen Gowans, National second vice-president and chairperson of communications TO: Parish chairpersons of communications
Welcome to another year of belonging to the best sisterhood—The Catholic Women’s League of Canada! I pray this year will be one of excellent communicating between all levels of the League and members. I count on you to educate and inform members of what is taking place within the League, your League. I want to express my deepest appreciation for all the work you do in your council each year. You are keen and have an exemplary way of getting things done.
As Pope Francis stated, “Communicating means sharing, and sharing demands listening and acceptance. Listening is much more than simply hearing. Hearing is about receiving information, while listening is about communication, and calls for closeness. Listening allows us to get things right, and not simply to be passive onlookers, users or consumers. Listening also means being able to share questions and doubts, to journey side by side, to banish all claims to absolute power and to put our abilities and gifts at the service of the common good” (Message for World Day of Social Communications, January 22, 2016).
I wish to share with you the work the strategic planning implementation committee has accomplished over the past year. The four leads, Sharon Ciebin, chairperson and leader of Goal 4, Lisa Henry, vice-chairperson and leader of Goal 1, Sister Susan Scott, secretary and leader of Goal 2, and Jacqueline Nogier, leader of Goal 3, worked tirelessly compiling more than 900 hours of volunteer time to move forward with the strategic plan. Photographs and information are on the national website. Visit the website to become familiar with the wonderful dedicated women who have committed to five years of volunteer time for members.
Strategic Planning: As chairpersons of communication we are tasked with promoting in a positive and enthusiastic manner changes coming forward with the strategic planning initiative.
Where can information be found?
Chairpersons must know and understand the strategic plan. On the national website under “quicklinks” is a link to the Implementation of the Strategic Plan. All information shared through national conventions is there for you to share with members
Use the CWL Prayer for Renewal at council meetings and events.
Ask members to use the prayer daily, petitioning Our Lady of Good Counsel to guide theimplementation committee and ensure the national strategic plan is successful.
At the beginning of each month (approximately), an update will be posted offering information the implementation committee would like members to know as quickly as possible. The goal is to keep members informed, enthusiastic, excited, wanting more information and willing to implement the changes as they become available.
If the planning committee needs help, a request will be posted on the website. One such notice was published when the implementation committee was looking for members interested in becomingpart of the working groups. I am proud to say we had many members wanting to share their gifts and talents to help move the process along, thus the working groups have been formed. I encourage you to avail yourselves of the information and SHARE it with members.
Currently national office is looking for members to take part in surveys. If interested in providing information, visit the national website and provide your personal information. You may be contacted by national office and/or the implementation committee to be part of a focus group or for other research needs in support of ongoing strategic planning requests. Personal information will be safe-guarded.
Other items of note on the website are:
Goals 1-4 Spring 2019
Meet the Implementation Committee
Five Year Strategy Map
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Plans Strategically 2018 – 2022
For more information go to Facebook, Twitter, communication communiques and The Canadian League magazine. Several articles and updates can be found in the winter and spring issue.
Do not hesitate to contact me with questions.
Strategic Planning Presentation: At the 2019 annual national convention in Calgary, National President-Elect and Chairperson of Organization Fran Lucas’ presentation, The League of the Future: Year 1 was live-streamed. This presentation will be made available on the national website. Watch for further information so you can share the presentation with your council. The PowerPoint presentation was forwarded to provincial presidents-elect. Invite her or her designate to come and present to your council.
Annual Reports: It is the time of the year when councils “toot their own horn” by telling their story. This year the communications annual report includes a section on strategic planning. I encourage you to answer questions informing the League of where members are in understanding the ins and outs of the strategic planning process. The report will guide the implementation committee going forward. Please help them. Remember, chairpersons will need to print the report prior to selecting the submit button. Doing so provides the parish council with a copy of the report which may be used as a guide in planning future events and for actions to be taken.
We need to congratulate the implementation committee and the working groups for the dedication and volunteer time they have committed to making the League the BEST!
National office has put together a document entitled “A Communication from National Office – Communicating via Communiques” ( This document outlines reasons for, and guidelines to writing communiques and should be reviewed by all chairpersons. It reminds us of protocols and etiquette to remember with any writing, and that it is important to give credit to any source that you utilize in your communiques, including material obtained from communiques at other levels of the League. All communiques should be approved by the President at the level of the League they are written at prior to being distributed or posted online.
Written by Doreen Gowans, National Chairperson of Communications
Hits: 4942
Welcome to the national communications team, joining forces to share gifts and talents, and to be God’s hands and feet on this beautiful planet we call home!
Communication: the definition of communication “is the imparting or exchanging of information” (Collins). As communication is a two-way street, if there is anything I can do to help please feel free contact me. Being newly elected to this position, I rely on your input to help us grow in this position.
Welcome back to all returning Communication Chairs and welcome to any new to the position. I think you will find this to be a rewarding position to hold.
First on the “agenda” is to let you know that the Alberta Mackenzie Fall Newsletter for 2018 has been completed and is available to view on the Provincial website or by asking your Diocesan Communications Chair for a copy.
As part of our efforts to care for our common home, we do not send out printed copies of the newsletter except to Life Members upon request. If your council requires a printed copy, please contact your Diocesan Communications Chair.
Provincial Council includes information from each standing committee as well as information and photos from Provincial and National Conventions. Diocesan Presidents each report on items of interest in their diocese and special events or other items of interest to our members are shared. Feedback is welcome and can be sent to .
The newly elected National Chairperson of Communications is Doreen Gowans, who is from Kamloops, BC. Her first communique came out on August 24, (so she got right to work after the election!).
Doreen reminds us to continue to act on the issue of pornography. Pornography Hurts postcards and printing instructions are available to download from the National website at (under Resources: 100 Series: Crest, Stationery and Other Council Supplies, item #178). She notes that we should be sure to differentiate between child and adult pornography when hosting a workshop or a guest speaker; and recommends the website COMMIT TO KIDS ( ) as another website that is helping organizations prevent child sexual abuse, sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. As well as COMMIT TO KIDS, another good resource is Media Smarts at for information on keeping safe on the internet.
National resolutions that Doreen wants to highlight for this standing committee are: Read more