Calgary Diocesan Council is composed of all CWL Councils in southern Alberta -- from Hanna in the north to the US border, and from the Saskatchewan border in the east to the BC border in the west. The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) means different things to different women:
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If you are searching for something worthwhile to make the best use of your time and talents;
If you want support to live your Christian values and celebrate healthy family life
Join Us!
If your life circumstances have changed and you want to discover and explore new aspects of yourself
Join Us!
If you are new to your community or parish and are looking for a way to make friends and get involved
Join Us!
Use the links below (or at to find a Council near you.
Or complete our Member Interest form and we will find a local council to welcome you!

We welcome you! Come to 7pm mass on the third Tuesdays Sept-Nov and Jan-June and join us at 7:45pm.

We meet the second Tuesday of the month from September to April, and would love to have you join us!

General meetings are held at 7:00 p.m on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the church foyer.

Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month, excluding July/August.