Join your sisters at the Diocesan Convention and Renew.

The Canadian League magazine – a list of articles pertaining to each standing committee, as well as copies of individual articles, are available from national office.
Communiqués from national chairpersons are regularly posted on the League Web site:
Ongoing resolutions are posted on the League Web site and are also available upon request from national office. Resolutions adopted at the annual national convention are published in the fall issue of The Canadian League magazine.

Current addresses for additional resources may be obtained from the chairperson at the next level.

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB)
Telephone Toll-free: (800) 769-1147
Facsimile: (613) 241-5090
CCCB Publications Service 2500 Don Reid Dr.
Ottawa, ON K1H 2J2
Web site: