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You may be wondering, “Why do I need to know this?” The Executive Handbook explains that “Legislation is social justice in action. It is the carrying out of League resolutions to influence government policy.” So in other words, it is our job to be knowledgeable on what resolutions the League has, what bills are before parliament, and if any of these bills relate to the resolutions.

Once this has been established, encourage members to contact their MPs urging them to vote as the resolution would request.

But there are so many resolutions and even more bills!! Where to begin? Don't get overwhelmed...maybe choose one or two resolutions per year that you feel passionate about and focus your council’s efforts on those. We can’t do it all, but if each parish council across Canada works on a few resolutions every year, the League will have put social justice into action and influenced government policy!

May Our Lady of Good Counsel continue to bless you in your work “For God and Canada”.
Nancy Simms
National Chairperson of Legislation