We are excited to host the 2024 ABMK Provincial Convention!! 
See ABMK 2024 for details and to register.

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Minutes are a legal record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said.
Content of the minutes of all meetings and conventions of the council concerned must be retained as a permanent record and must include:

  • name of the council
  • kind of meeting (i.e., executive, general, annual)
  • date, time and place of the meeting
  • roll call or list of attendance attached
    [roll call should be taken of the executive and the names of those present and absent recorded]
  • approval of the minutes (The president asks if there are any corrections. If not, she then says, “The minutes are approved as read” or “The minutes are approved as circulated.” If there are corrections, when no further corrections are made, she says, “The minutes are approved as corrected.”) Should changes be made at a later time to the minutes already approved, a motion is necessary to amend the minutes. Some councils make a motion, second it, and vote the approval for each set of minutes.
  • brief financial report – the monthly statement is not adopted but reported for information and put on file. At the annual meeting, an examined financial statement is presented and officially adopted by the members.
  • motions (including mover and seconder) with actions decided upon
  • number of votes for and against if ballot or counted vote - some may request their abstention be recorded
  • debate, only if meeting instructs that it should be
  • title of committee reporting, highlights of report filed for reference
  • appointment of committees, elected delegates, etc.
  • mention that discussion was held on a topic so that the issue will be recorded and canbe brought forward on another agenda
  • motion to adjourn and the time of adjournment
  • signed by the president and secretary and the date approved

Source: CWL Handbook for Secretaries